• How to Eliminate Asthma Triggers

    One of the hardest things to do is to eliminate asthma triggers. It often requires some key lifestyle changes. However, this does not mean that you have to stop living your life to the fullest. It simply means that you need to take steps to prevent the attacks from occurring. It also means that you need to have a plan in place in case an attack does occur without warning. The elimination of allergens is one step to take. During the spring and summer months, allergy medications should be taken to prevent issues. Sometimes masks are required if you work outdoors, for example.

    Asthma is triggered by strenuous exercise as well. The good news is that you do not have to stop exercising if you have asthma. It really boils down to knowing your limits, and recognizing the signs before an attack occurs. If you exercise beyond your limits, then you might run into trouble. Take frequent breaks during running or swimming. Taking the time to catch your breath in a controlled way is a great way to ensure your safety. Consider working out with a partner just in case. This will give you confidence because you’ll know that someone is there to help in case of an emergency.

    Respiratory infections are a major cause for concern. When they are left untreated, asthma attacks occur much more frequently. If you have the condition, then you need to visit your doctor frequently. A doctor will prescribe the necessary medications to help the infection to run its course more quickly. Smoking is another huge issues for those who suffer from the condition. Addiction specialists will help you to find alternatives to smoking so that you can prevent further attacks. Second-hand smoke can cause issues as well, so you must avoid others who smoke.

    Pet dander is characterized as loose hair and skin particles in the air. It often collects on couches, beds, and chairs. However, you should be able to have pets without fear of a severe reaction. The best thing to do is to keep your house clean. Vacuum frequently to control the pet issues before they become a problem. Cover furniture with sheets so that cleaning processes go much more smoothly. If at all possible, devise ways to keep pets off of furniture altogether, and brush your pets frequently.

    Emotions trigger severe asthma attacks in people under the right circumstances. Traumatic events are the most common causes for asthma attacks in people. If a loved one dies, you lose your job, or you’re going through a tough break-up, then attacks might occur. There are different ways to remedy these situations, but therapy is a great way to deal with them. Therapy teaches you how to keep your emotions in check so that you do not suffer from attacks. Additionally, sudden excitement and feelings of happiness can cause your asthma to flare up. Always keep an inhaler handy whenever you think that these types of circumstances might become a reality.